"How Nutrition Can Impact Microbiome Composition-Permeability-Immune Response Triangulation in The Gastrointestinal Tract Dictating the Balance Between Health And Disease"
Dr. Alessio Fasano, MD presented "How Nutrition Can Impact Microbiome Composition-Permeability-Immune Response Triangulation in The Gastrointestinal Tract Dictating the Balance Between Health And Disease" at the SCDROCKS Conference 2023 hosted by the Specific Carbohydrate Diet Association at Bellevue College.
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Dr. Fasano holds the following titles:
A pediatric gastroenterologist, Alessio Fasano, MD is head of the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In 2000, his group discovered zonulin, a protein associated with gut dysbiosis that regulates intestinal tight junctions. His basic research focuses on bacterial pathogenesis, gut microbiome composition and function in health and disease, the regulation of gut permeability, intestinal mucosal biology and immunology and SARS-CoV2. He is director of the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment at MGH and widely sought after as an expert in celiac disease, intestinal permeability and autoimmune disorders. Dr. Fasano is the author of Gluten Freedom and co-author with Susie Flaherty of Gut Feelings: The Microbiome and Our Health, published in March 2021 by MIT Press.
Dr. Alessio Fasano
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet Association (SCDA) was created in 2018 as a US IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit to raise awareness of the benefits of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ (SCD™) while unifying the Community including followers, parents, caregivers, doctors, clinicians, companies and others around the world. We provide resources, support, guidance and inspiration via social media platforms and conferences for the public and community to learn, network and support each other. And, we promote research of the SCD around the world.
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